Thursday, February 18, 2010

My crazy fun life!!

After reading my future sister in law's blog, I felt inspired to write my own!
First thing is the name of the blog "talk box," for those who know me very well, know that I am a very talkative individual, and it is hard to get me to be quiet, me and silence don't get along very well! A few weekends ago me and a good friend (Alyssa), went to Hutch to visit some of her friends. A few of the friends I had never met, after meeting me, Travis, says "Wow you talk a lot, I think I am just going to call you Talk box!" The name has stuck, that is where the name came from!
Now, I am a sophomore in college working on getting my degree in Elementary Education, after having a really rough semester last fall, between dealing with roommate, and friend issues, family crisis, and job issues, I decided that this semester was going to be different. With a new job, new friends, and a new class schedule, I was ready to tackle this semester with a great big smile, and a positive attitude!

About this new class schedule in new job. Thanks to Lacey Madden, I was able to get a job watching a five, well soon to be six month old baby. However, I watch her during the day, therefore, I had to make my class schedule fit with this. This semester I am taking 16 hrs. which is a lot more compared to the 12hrs I took last semester. YIKES!!! Well with a lot of rearranging and sweet talking Alyssa into helping me out, I managed to make it work, the kicker though, three nights a week I have night class!! Talk about a hectic schedule, I am constantly running around like a chicken with my head cut off! I go from school to work back to school. It has been going rather well. However, things do not go so well when classes have to be rescheduled, which is what happened to me tonight!
My art class which is normally on Tuesday nights got rescheduled to tonight (Thursday), needless to say I wasn't very happy, and it made for one crazy night!! Alyssa and I are planning on a trip to California over spring break, we are both really excited, and we thought it would be fun to go to Disney Land. Well we both decided to save some money and do the Disney give a day get a day, not only are we saving money but we are also giving back, which is a bonus! Well guess what night that fell on? Yep! Tonight, so, my class starts at 4:00, we are suppose to volunteer at 4:00 and I don't get off until 4:30, well after doing some talking and rearranging, I was able to get off at 3:45 (I have the best boss!), then I went and got Alyssa, went to class, and then went back to volunteer. Crazy I know!!

Well I was able to get everything done, after getting dirty, having to stand on a ladder, and falling down because of carpet, I was able to volunteer, and get to class, although I did have to sneak out of class early shh don't tell!! I would like to say that this day is one out of the ordinary, however, this is a typical day! Going in every different direction, but it keeps me busy and on my toes, and wouldn't change it for a thing!!

P.S. Anyone been watching the Olympics?! Curling is the greatest!!! Have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you were in 16 hours! Wow lady, you do have a crazy schedule!

    Just remember, "this too shall pass" and soon it will be summer :)

    Hooray for blogging! You may like to read this blog: It's about a stay at home mom of 4 kids with a great husband and their daily life. The husband and wife were in a plane crash but survived, and have to have many surgeries to recover. Their story is so inspiring. :) Let me know if you get a chance to read it. (I would suggest starting to read a few of her entries from 2008 or 2007 to hear how fun of a mom she is!)
